Man Oh man!!
Africa... the land of ingenuity...
It has to be with the infrastructure we have ;-)
All kidding aside, we launched the English language training project for the second time this week after having a failed attempt last month with the Telkom ADSL (DATA Line) being too far away from the centre and causing a degradation in bit communication... i.e. it went on and off intermittently.
So Telkom, to my amazement, moved the ADSL in record time and we were able to start again on Monday!!
It was amazing. The excitement on the kids faces was priceless. Even when ALL 19 logged in at the same time and brought the 10 MB network to a virtual halt the anticipation of being given a step up in life was not quenched.
So we carry on being creative and coming up with ways of crossing each teething issue as they arise.
We would like to offer all of you, and anyone whom you think would like to get involved, the opportunity to partner with these kids as they take the step into the great wide world of English speakers.
By helping us buy the licences for the program.
What we will do is put you in contact with that kid via an email address of Hope in Africa.
As you communicate with them and they with you, you will see first hand how their English improves and will at the same time develop a friendship with someone in Africa... who knows where that will lead? You might be corresponding with the future president of an extremely exciting land of opportunities.
To those of you who have already contributed, we would like to say a huge THANK YOU. We will be putting you in contact with the kid that you have personally helped and you can start building that friendship as soon as Africanly possible...

We appreciate you prayers and letters of encouragement.
Bless you guys.
Together building the Kingdom and bringing Hope in Africa.
Is 52:7 How beautiful on the mountain are the feet of them that bring good news
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