Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Allow us to introduce some of our American Friends.

Some of you might have recieved this as an email earlier but as we said at the bottom, we would republish as soon as we received better pics of Jude & Cindy... So here they are.


Lately we've been wrestling with what it is that God has in store for us and why it is we feel He sent us to the USA and for so long, BUT as the first sentence of our last blog put it, we know that "In all these things we are more than conquerors!!"

We have had some of the most amazing encounters with the most interesting people and God has knit our hearts with awesome Kingdom minded people.

True, the experience has not been everything we expected but I truly believe that it's been EVERYTHING God planned.

When one plants a seed, the seed disappears and it would appear as though NOTHING is happening to the naked eye. There is no movement in the ground there is no evidence of growth to be seen.
When growth appears everyone is excited and jumps around and rejoices BUT growth is not the ultimate goal, fruit is!
So the plant grows and then at the right time it is pruned in order to yield much fruit. The fruit has to be quality fruit that contains quality seed so that the cycle can start again. And that is what we're after. Kingdom advancing fruit that will continue to grow once it's out of our hands.

I believe we're in the pruning stage as well as the planting stage. That's the funny thing about the spiritual realm. Many things can happen simultaneously and then again it could take years for just one stage to complete. :-)

That said, allow us to introduce you to a couple of the amazing families that have been involved in God's farming in our lives during our faith adventure:

This is the Ingram family, their contribution to helping us on our Road trip to Anaheim and back was enormous! Thanks Andy for lending us your GPS it saved a lot of headaches and frustration... not to mention petrol. We love you guys.

Our Wyoming family. Mister Dave and Miss Molly, your hospitality was enormous and your hand of friendship both warm and welcome in a VERY cold state ;-)

Bee and Pat. What amazing peeps. we spent one of our most memorable outings with them in Atlanta.

One thing we overlooked in planning from this trip was... transport! Ronnie and Marcella have not only become some of our closest friends here in Colorado but they also lent us their mini van for the entire duration of our stay.
Guys, we could NEVER repay you. Your generosity has caused us to glorify God.

South Africa will find you wherever you go!
It was so refreshing meeting up with Scott & Rene who planted in Lakewood Colorado. We spent a week at their place and then spent Christmas with them as well. Thanks guys your hospitality was refreshing.

Jude and Cindy. As I was writing this I realized we didn't have a good shot of them. They have been responsible for putting us in touch with organizations that we could share the vision of HIA with. Thanks guys we appreciate it.

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